Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Perpetual Procrastination!

What can I say procrastination is what I'm best at. Sad but true. If I had to be honest I should have started this blog almost two years ago when I moved to Europe. Then I could have given you first hand at the moment information of my travels. But I did not so here I am now, better late then never. At the end of this summer I promised myself to turn over a new leaf and not hold things off to the last minute. If I want to do something I need to be prepared to do it now or start planning for it now. NO MORE ADRENALINE RUSH trying to get thing accomplish at the last minute. I will miss the thrill but I think the reward of being less stressed will be worth it. So it will be a long road a head to change my sorted behavior but I'm ready to turn this procrastination page over and start a new!

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