Monday, September 20, 2010

The Puzzle Pieces of Normandy part 1

This weekend I went to Normandy. This was one of the things on my bucket list. I'm a World War 2 enthusiast and love to hear details out what happened.

Well the trip almost didn't happenbecuase it is so expensive to travel toNormandy but I sucked it up and paid the 80 Euro to get dropped off in the middle of nowwhere France ( aka Carenton) From there I was picked up by Oliver a lovey guy who I met on couch surfing. His family has lived in this great old farm house for almost 100 years. So his grandmother looked out these windows as she watched a few brave 82nd airborne drop from the sky into the fields in the late night of June 5th 1944. The first thing that occurred to me was I can't imagine a major battle happening here? As you go down the small roads passing farm after farm it seems to tranquil to allow for such a world changing event. These people yes where under occupation by the Germans but still went on doing there daily activities always knowing that they more then likely were going to be the enter point of the allied countries. But I was never able to put the these pieces together in my mind so I have kept them seperate, almost like I visted 2 different places.

So the first place peaceful Normandy. The people as I said could not be nicer. Every person from this area is proud to be Norman and proud to tell you about their area. Oliver showed me lots of little towns around thethe port of Cherbourg a main port on the English Channel. We met fishermen coming in from a days work, young children swimming in freezing cold water, and tourist taking in the calm ocean and bird watching. It is amazing how many birds you hear. It almost feels like it can't be real, like some city counsel member has set up a recording and speakers some where. But then you realize that as a bird there must be no better place. The air is clear, the sun is shinning, and more than likely loads of yummy fish to eat! Yes if I were a bird Normandy would be a nice place to hang.

After our tour we met up with Olivers' sister and their friend for a lovely dinner. The best thing about dinner besides the wonderful conversation was the Camebert. Camebert is a cheese of Normady that has become one of my favorits. It is quite similar to Brie but I think has a better taste. I love the oozy goodness of Camebert. It is best served with a baguette and red wine.

Interesting fact: during World War 1 French soldiers where given Camebert as part of their rations.

The area of Lower Normandy is very charming and makes you feel at home. If you get a chance to visit I highly recommend taking your time and meeting the locals.

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